Chart Construction
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Rating (0 votes): Not yet rated
Added: 15-12-2014
From: cezenni ( Send PM )
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Description: This lesson by Wealth Chaperone will explain chart construction. Most charts that you view are known as candlestick charts. Every green or red box shows the price action for a given day on that particular stock. When the market opens the stocks begin to trade, as trades occur the price of the stock goes up and down. This movement is registered by drawing a line at the end of the day. The top of the line shows the highest price the stock reached that day and the bottom of the line shows the lowest price that the stock reached for that day. This line also features a horizontal line showing the opening price on the left and the closing price at the end of the day on the right.
Channels: Christian Comedian 
Tags: chart  construction  free  education 

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