Exactly how the teeth whitening process Functions
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Added: 03-11-2013
From: goalpets4 ( Send PM )
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{Have you ever before attempted cleaning a banana peel on your teeth to lighten them? It does not work. Have you listened to that hydrogen peroxide bleaches teeth? It just burns your gums. I have actually attempted numerous various things to bleach my teeth. I need to admit I am not an angel when it comes to having a shiny, vivid, white smile. I enjoy to take in the devil's drinks-coffee and cabernet. I wake up with 3 cups of coffee in the early morning and turn in with a bottle of cabernet. So, as you could imagine, when I grin people operate. This is not the worst component though. I smoke cigars. I do not really smoke too many cigarettes due to the fact that I merely don't like them as long as fat stogies, yet my dental professional told me that stogies are even worse compared to cigarettes when it pertains to white teeth. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fD0It31xBHY
Tags: banana  peel  teeth  whitening 

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